ॐ नमस्ते गणपतये ॥ त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि ॥
त्वमेव केवलं कर्ताऽसि ॥ त्वमेव केवलं धर्ताऽसि ॥
त्वमेव केवलं हर्ताऽसि ॥ त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि ॥
त्वं साक्षादात्माऽसि नित्यम् ॥ १ ॥
ऋतं वच्मि ॥ सत्यं वच्मि ॥ २ ॥
oṃ namaste gaṇapataye ॥ tvameva pratyakṣaṃ tattvamasi ॥
tvameva kevalaṃ kartā’si ॥ tvameva kevalaṃ dhartā’si ॥
tvameva kevalaṃ hartā’si ॥ tvameva sarvaṃ khalvidaṃ brahmāsi ॥ 1 ॥
tvaṃ sākṣādātmā’si nityam ॥
ṛtaṃ vacmi ॥ satyaṃ vacmi ॥ 2॥
Om, prostration to Lord Ganapati.
You are the direct essence of the truth.
You alone are the creator,
You are the sustainer,
You are the destroyer.
You are all, you alone are the Brahman.
You are the directly experienced eternal Self.
I speak the Truth (as determined by the scriptures).
I speak the Truth (as directly experienced and verified by myself).
अव त्वं माम् ॥ अव वक्तारम् ॥
अव श्रोतारम् ॥ अव दातारम् ॥
अव धातारम् ॥ अवानूचानमव शिष्यम् ॥
अव पश्चात्तात् ॥ अव पुरस्तात् ॥
अवोत्तरात्तात् ॥ अव दक्षिणात्तात् ॥
अव चौर्ध्वात्तात् ॥ अवाधरात्तात् ॥
सर्वतो मां पाहि पाहि समंतात् ॥ ३॥
ava tvaṃ mām ॥ ava vaktāram ॥
ava śrotāram ॥ ava dātāram ॥
ava dhātāram ॥ avānūcānamava śiṣyam ॥
ava paścāttāt ॥ ava purastāt ॥
ava uttarāttāt ॥ ava dakṣiṇāttāt ॥
ava caurdhvāttāt ॥ avādharāttāt ॥
sarvato māṃ pāhi pāhi samaṃtāt ॥ 3 ॥
You protect me. You protect the speaker,
You protect the listener, You protect the donor
You protect the supporters. You protect the teacher and the disciple.
You protect me from the west, You protect me from the east,
You protect me from the north, You protect me from the south,
You protect me from all four directions (east, west, north and south).
You protect me from the above and below.
You protect me totally from everything.
त्वं वाङ्मयस्त्वं चिन्मयः ॥ त्वं आनंदमयस्त्वं ब्रह्ममयः ॥
त्वं सच्चिदानंदाद्वितीयोऽसि ॥ त्वं प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्मासि ॥
त्वं ज्ञानमयो विज्ञानमयोऽसि ॥ ४ ॥
tvaṃ vāṅmayastvaṃ cinmayaḥ ॥ tvam ānandamayastvaṃ brahmamayaḥ ॥
tvaṃ saccidānandādvitīyo’si ॥ tvaṃ pratyakṣaṃ brahmāsi ॥
tvaṃ jñānamayo vijñānamayo’si ॥ 4 ॥
You are the embodiment of speech. You are the embodiment of Consciousness.
You are the embodiment of Bliss. You are the embodiment of infinitude.
You are unique, you are Truth-Consciousness-Bliss. You are the self-evident Brahman/Reality. You are the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom.
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तो जायते ॥ सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तस्तिष्ठति ॥
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि लयमेष्यति ॥ सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि प्रत्येति ॥
त्वं भूमिरापोऽनलोऽनिलो नभः ॥ त्वं चत्वारि वाक्पदानि ॥ ५॥
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvatto jāyate ॥ sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvattastiṣṭhati ॥
sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi layameṣyati ॥ sarvaṃ jagadidaṃ tvayi pratyeti ॥
tvaṃ bhūmirāpo’nalo’nilo nabhaḥ ॥ tvaṃ catvāri vākpadāni ॥ 5 ॥
This entire world is born from You. This entire world exists because of You.
This entire world merges in You. This entire world appears in You.
You are the earth, water, fire, air and space (all 5 elements - the world of matter).
You are the four kinds of speech (the world of speech).
त्वं गुणत्रयातीतः ॥ त्वं अवस्थात्रयातीतः ॥
त्वं देहत्रयातीतः ॥ त्वं कालत्रयातीतः ॥
त्वं मूलाधारस्थितोऽसि नित्यम् ॥ त्वं शक्तित्रयात्मकः ॥
त्वां योगिनो ध्यायन्ति नित्यम् ॥
त्वं ब्रह्मा त्वं विष्णुस्त्वं रुद्रस्त्वं इन्द्रस्त्वं अग्निस्त्वं वायुस्त्वं सूर्यस्त्वं चंद्रमास्त्वं ॥
ब्रह्मभूर्भुवःस्वरोम् ॥ ६॥
tvaṃ guṇatrayātītaḥ ॥ tvaṃ avasthātrayātītaḥ ॥
tvaṃ dehatrayātītaḥ ॥ tvaṃ kālatrayātītaḥ ॥
tvaṃ mūlādhārasthito’si nityam ॥ tvaṃ śaktitrayātmakaḥ ॥
tvāṃ yogino dhyāyanti nityam ॥
tvaṃ brahmā tvaṃ viṣṇustvaṃ rudrastvaṃ indrastvaṃ agnistvaṃ vāyustvaṃ sūryastvaṃ caṃdramāstvaṃ ॥
brahmabhūrbhuvaḥsvarom ॥ 6 ॥
You are beyond the three Gunas (qualities). You are beyond the three states of experience. You are beyond the three bodies. You are beyond the three periods of time.
You are ever seated in the base (mūlādhāra). You are of the nature of the three-fold power. Yogis ever meditate on You.
You are Brahmā, Visnu, Rudra, Indra, Fire, Air, Sun, Moon (divine deities).
You are Brahman. You are the three worlds. You are Om.
गणादिं पूर्वमुच्चार्य ॥ वर्णादिं तदनंतरम् ॥
अनुस्वारः परतरः ॥ अर्धेन्दुलसितम् ॥
तारेण ऋद्धम् ॥ एतत्तव मनुस्वरूपम् ॥
गकारः पूर्वरूपम् ॥ अकारो मध्यमरूपम् ॥
अनुस्वारश्चान्त्यरूपम् ॥ बिन्दुरुत्तररूपम् ॥
नादः संधानम् ॥ संहितासंधिः ॥ शैषा गणेशविद्या गणकऋषिः ॥
निचृद्गायत्रीच्छंदः ॥ गणपतिर्देवता ॥ ॐ गं गणपतये नमः ॥ ७॥
gaṇādiṃ pūrvamuccārya varṇādiṃ tadanaṃtaram ॥
anusvāraḥ parataraḥ ॥ ardhendulasitam ॥
tāreṇa ṛddham ॥ etat tava manusvarūpam ॥
gakāraḥ pūrvarūpam ॥ akāro madhyamarūpam ॥
anusvāraścāntyarūpam ॥ binduruttararūpam ॥
nādaḥ sandhānam ॥ saṃhitāsandhiḥ ॥ śaiṣā gaṇeśavidyā gaṇakaṛṣiḥ ॥
nicṛdgāyatrīcchandaḥ ॥ gaṇapatirdevatā ॥ oṃ gaṃ gaṇapataye namaḥ ॥ 7 ॥
One should first utter the first syllable ‘ga’ followed by ‘a’ the first of alphabets,
‘anusvāra’ (a nasal ‘ṃ’) after that; then chandrabindu (the crescent sign - also a nasal);
Your terrestrial form - ‘Ga’ is the first form, ‘a’ is the middle form,
‘anusvāra’ is the subsequent form, ‘bindu’ (a nasal & crescent) is the concluding form;
This is joined with nāda (Om),
All the forms combined together (saṃhitāsandhiḥ) is Ganeśa Vidyā.
The Sage or Seer (of this mantra) is Ganaka,
The metre (chhanda) is “nicṛd Gāyatri”. Ganapati is the deity (of this mantra).
Salutation to (Lord) Ganapati!
एकदंताय विद्महे ॥ वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि ॥
तन्नो दंतिः प्रचोदयात् ॥ ८॥
ekadantāya vidmahe ॥ vakratuṇḍāya dhīmahi ॥
tanno dantiḥ pracodayāt ॥ 8 ॥
We have heard about the one-tusked; we meditate on the one having a twisted trunk.
May Ganapati inspire us (to meditate).
एकदंतं चतुर्हस्तं पाशमंकुशधारिणम् ॥
रदं च वरदं हस्तैर्बिभ्राणं मूषिकध्वजम् ॥
रक्तं लंबोदरं शूर्पकर्णकं रक्तवाससम् ॥
रक्तगंधाऽनुलिप्तांगं रक्तपुष्पैः सुपूजितम् ॥
भक्तानुकंपिनं देवं जगत्कारणमच्युतम् ॥
आविर्भूतं च सृष्ट्यादौ प्रकृतेः पुरुषात्परम् ॥
एवं ध्यायति यो नित्यं स योगी योगिनां वरः ॥ ९॥
ekadaṃtaṃ caturhastaṃ pāśamaṃkuśadhāriṇam ॥
radaṃ ca varadaṃ hastairbibhrāṇaṃ mūṣikadhvajam ॥
raktaṃ laṃbodaraṃ śūrpakarṇakaṃ raktavāsasam ॥
raktagandhānuliptāṅgaṃ raktapuṣpaiḥ supūjitam ॥
bhaktānukampinaṃ devaṃ jagatkāraṇamacyutam ॥
āvirbhūtaṃ ca sṛṣṭyādau prakṛteḥ puruṣātparam ॥
evaṃ dhyāyati yo nityaṃ sa yogī yogināṃ varaḥ ॥ 9 ॥
One who has one (right) tusk, who has four hands, who holds a noose and a goad,
who holds a tusk in His (lower left) hand, who bestows blessing with his (right lower) hand,
whose flag bears the insignia of mouse,
who is red in color, big-bellied, with ears in the form of a scuttle, who has worn red clothes,
whose body is smeared with red sandal paste, who is well worshiped with red flowers,
who is compassionate towards His devotees, who is the cause of the world,
who never has a fall from his nature, who manifested/existed even before creation and who is beyond Prakruti and Purusha –
The yogi who thus meditates on Him is the best among yogis.
नमो व्रातपतये ॥ नमो गणपतये ॥ नमः प्रमथपतये ॥
नमस्तेऽस्तु लंबोदरायैकदंताय ॥
विघ्ननाशिने शिवसुताय ॥ श्रीवरदमूर्तये नमः ॥ १०॥
namo vrātapataye ॥ namo gaṇapataye ॥ namaḥ pramathapataye ॥
namaste’stu laṃbodarāya ekadantāya ॥
vighnanāśine śivasutāya ॥ śrīvaradamūrtaye namaḥ ॥ 10 ॥
Prostration to the Lord of all who earn through hard work (vrāta).
Prostration to the Lord of all the groups (ganas).
Prostration to the Lord of the special devotees of Lord Śiva (pramathas).
Prostration unto You who are big-bellied, one-tusked, destroyer of obstacles and the son of Śiva.
Prostration to the form who bestows all desires.