Composition of Ayurvedic Sutras -
To learn the science of Ayurveda
Prayer to Lord Śri Dhanvantari
नमामि धन्वन्तरिम् आदिदेवम्
सुरासुरैर्वन्दित पादपद्मम् ।
लोके चरारुग् भय मृत्यु नाशम्
धातारमीशम् विविधौशधिनाम् ॥
Namāmi dhanvantarim ādidevam
surāsurair vandita pādapadmam ।
Loke carārug bhaya mṛtyu nāśam
dhātāramīśam vividha auśadhinām ॥
I surrender to Bhagwan Dhanvantari, at whose Lotus feet all the Devas and Asuras pray for a long life. May the world be rid of old age, the fear of death, and be healed of various diseases through your medicines.

Salutations to the Unparalleled Physician
रागादि रोगान् सततानुषक्तान् अशेष काय प्रसृतान् अशेषान् ।
औत्सुक्यमोह अरतिदाञ्जघान योऽपूर्ववैद्याय नमोऽस्तु तस्मै ॥
Rāgādi rogān satatānuṣaktān aśeṣa kāya prasṛtān aśeṣān ।
Autsukya moha aratidāñjaghāna yo’pūrvavaidyāya namo’stu tasmai ॥
Salutations to that unparalleled physician who has entirely destroyed that group of diseases beginning with rāga, which are constantly connected with/spreading all over the body, giving rise to anxiety, delusion and restlessness.
Ayurveda (the science of life) - Lineage of teachers & students
ब्रह्मा स्मृत्वायुषो वेदं प्रजापतिम् अजिग्रहत् ।
सोऽश्विनौ तौ शहश्राक्षं सोऽत्रिपुत्र आदिकान् मुनिन् ।
तेऽग्निवेश आदिकांस्ते तु पृथक् तन्त्राणि तेनिरे ॥
Brahmā smṛtvāyuṣo vedaṃ prajāpratim ajigrahat ।
So’śvinau tau śahaśrākṣhaṃ so’triputra ādikān munin ।
Te’gniveś ādikāṃste tu pṛthak tantrāṇi tenire ॥
Brahma, remembering Ayurveda, taught it to Prajapati. He taught this to the Aświn brothers, they taught it to Indra. He (Indra) taught this to Atri’s son and other sages. They gave this knowledge to Agniveśa and others who each composed their own treaties.
Saṃkhyā Philosophy - 24 principles of creation
खादिनि बुद्धिरव्यक्तम् अहङ्कारस्तथोऽष्टमः । भूतप्रकृतिरुद्दिष्टा विकाराश्चैव षोडश ।
बुद्धीन्द्रियाणि पञ्न्चैव पञ्च कर्मेन्द्रियाणि च । समनस्काश्च पश्चार्था विकारा इति संज्ञिताः ॥
Khādini buddhiravyaktam ahaṅkārastatho’ṣṭamaḥ । bhūtaprakṛtiruddiṣṭā vikārāścaiva ṣoḍaśa ॥
Buddhīndriyāṇi pañcaiva pañca karmendriyāṇi ca । Samanaskāśca paścārthā vikārā iti saṃjñitāḥ ॥
The five subtle elements (tanmatrās - sound, touch, vision, taste & smell), intellect (buddhi), prakṛti in unmanifested form (avyakta) and the “I” former (ahaṃkāra) are the eight sources of creation. Created objects (vikārā) are sixteen in number: the five sense faculties (to observe the 5 tanmatras), five motor faculties (to create the 5 tanmatras), mind and the five elements - space, air, fire, water, earth (to be observed).
Definition of Life (Ayu)
शरिरेन्द्रियाणि सत्वात्मा संयोगोधारि जीवितम् । नित्यागश्चानुबन्धश्च पर्यायैरायुरुच्यते ॥
Śarira indriyāṇi satvātmā saṃyogodhāri jivitam । nityāgaścānubandhaśca paryāyair āyur ucyate ॥
The term ayuh expresses the combination/conjunction of the physical body, the sense organs, the mind and the Self and is described by the synonyms: dhāri, jīvitam, nityagaḥ, and anubandhaḥ.
Four Aims (Pillars) of Life
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां आरोग्यं मुलमुत्तमम् । रोगास्तस्यापहारश्च श्रेयसो जिवितस्य च ॥
Dharma artha kāma mokṣāṇāṃ ārogyaṃ mulamuttamam । roga astasyā pahāraśca śreyaso jivitasya ca ॥
Health is the best foundation for the four aims of human life: dharma, artha, kāma, and mokśa. Diseases take this away, as well as goodness and life itself.

Definition of Health
समदोष समअग्निश्च समधातु मल क्रिया
प्रसन्न आत्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थ इत्यभिदियते ।
sama doṣa sama agniśca sama dhātu mala kriyā
prasanna ātmā indriya manāḥ swastha iti abhidiyate |
Healthy (swastha) is said to be one (person) who has balance in the body’s humor (doṣa), balanced digestive fire (agni), balanced tissues (dhātu), balanced wastes (mala - urine, feces, sweat etc) and a happy (prasanna) soul (ātmā), happy mind (manāḥ), happy senses (indriya).
Scope of Ayurveda
हिताहितं सुखंदुःखं आयुस्तस्य हिताहितम् । मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तम् आयुर्वेदः च उच्यते ॥
Hitāhitaṃ sukhaṃ duḥkhaṃ ayustasya hitāhitam । Mānaṃ ca tacca yatrotkam āyurvedaḥ ca ucyate ॥
Ayurveda is said to be that science where what is useful and detrimental (to health and life), the happy and unhappy (states of life), what is good and bad for life, its measurement (span/length) and life itself are described.
Eight Branches of Ayurveda
कायबालग्रहोर्ध्वाङ्ग शल्यदंष्ट्राजरावृषान् । अष्टावङ्गानि तस्याहुश्चिकित्सा येषु संश्रिताः॥
Kāya bāla graha urdhvāṅga śalya daṃṣṭrā jarā vṛṣān । Aśṭāvaṅgāni tasyāhuś cikitsā yeṣu saṃśritāḥ ||
Internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatrist, ENT, surgery, toxicology, geriatrics, and virilization and the eight branches (of Ayurveda) in which treatment of disease is explained/embodied.
20 Universal Gunas - 10 pairs of opposites
गुरु लघु मन्द तिक्ष्ण शित उष्ण स्निग्ध रुक्षकाः । श्लख्ण खर द्रव सान्द्र मृदु कठिन एव च ।
सुख्स्म स्थुल स्थिर चलाः विषाद अविल गुणाः ॥
guru laghu manda tikshṇa śita uṣṇa snigdha rukṣakāḥ । ślakhṇa khara drava sāndra mṛdu kaṭhina eva ca ।
sukhsma sthula sthira chalāḥ viṣāda avila guṇāḥ ॥
Heavy, Light, Slow, Sharp, Cold, Hot, Oily, Dry, Slimy, Rough, Liquidity, Solidity, Soft, Hard
Subtle, Gross, Stable, Movement, Clear and Cloudy (Unclear) are the GUNAs.
Doṣas & it's functions
वायुः पित्तं कफश्चेति त्रयो दोषाः समासतः । विकृताविकृता देहं घ्नन्ति ते वर्तयन्ति च ।
ते व्यापिनोऽपि हृद्याभ्योरधो मध्योर्ध्वसंश्रयाः । वयोऽहोरात्रिभुक्तानामन्तमध्यादिगाः क्रमात् ॥
vāyuḥ pittaṃ kaphaśceti trayo doṣāḥ samāsataḥ ।
vikṛtā avikṛtā dehaṃ ghnanti te vartayanti ca ।
te vyāpi’nopi hṛdyābhyoḥ adho madhya urdhva saṃzrayāḥ ।
vayo’ aho rātri bhuktānām anta madhya ādigāḥ kramāt ॥
Vata, Pitta, Kapha are the 3 doṣas; when in balance they maintain bodily functions, when not in balance, they create pathologies/disease. They are situated below (Vata), between (Pitta) and above the Heart/hṛdaya (Kapha). They perform their best functions in the beginning (Kapha), middle (Pitta) and end (Vata) of day, night and food.
Guṇas of each Doṣa
तत्र रुक्षो लघुः शितः खरः सुक्ष्मश्चलोऽनिलः ।
पित्तं सस्नेहतिक्ष्णोष्णं लघु विष्रं सरं द्रवम् ।
स्निग्धः शितो गुरुर्मन्द स्लक्ष्णो मृत्स्नः स्थिरः कफः ॥
tatra rukṣo laghuḥ śitaḥ kharaḥ sukṣmaścalo'nilaḥ ।
pittaṃ sasnehatikṣṇoṣṇaṃ laghu viṣraṃ saraṃ dravam ।
snigdhaḥ śito gururmanda slakṣṇo mṛtsnaḥ sthiraḥ kaphaḥ ॥
The qualities of Vata are dry, light, cold, rough, subtle and mobile.
The qualities of Pitta doṣa are slightly unctuous, sharp, hot, light, sour/fleshy/metallic smell, free flowing and liquid.
The qualities of Kapha Doṣa are unctuous, cold, heavy, slow, clay-like and stable, strong.
Vata Doṣa
Locations of Vata Doṣa
पक्वाशयकटीसक्थिश्रोत्रास्थिस्पर्शनेन्द्रियम् । स्थानं वातस्य तत्रापि पक्वाधानं विशेषतः ॥
pakvāśaya katī sakthi śrotra asthi sparśana indriyam । sthānaṃ vātasya tatrāpi pakvādhānaṃ viśeṣataḥ ॥
Colon, waist (hip), thigh, ear, skin and senses are the places of Vata, among them Colon is special.
Physiological Functions
उत्साहोत्स्वास निस्वास चेष्टा वेग प्रवर्तनैः । सम्यग्गत्या च दोशाणाम् अक्षाणाम् पाटवेन च ॥
utsāha utsvāsa nisvāsa ceṣṭā vega pravartanaiḥ । samyak gatyā ca dośāṇām akṣāṇām pāṭavena ca ॥
Vāta in its normal state protects the body, bestowing enthusiasm, exhalation and inhalation, all activities (of the body), initiation (& execution) of bodily urges (defecation, urination, cough, burps, sneeze etc), maintenance of dhatus (tissues),
and proper functioning of senses.
Prana Vayu Functions
प्राणोऽत्र मूर्धगः । उरः कण्ठचरो बुद्धि हृदयेन्द्रिय चित्तधृक् | ष्ठीवन क्षवथूद्गारनिः श्वासान्नप्रवेशकृत् ॥
prāṇo'tra mūrdhagaḥ uraḥ । kaṇṭha caro buddhi hṛdaya indriya cittadhṛk ।
ṣṭhivana kṣavathu ūdgāraniḥ śvāsa anna praveśakṛt ॥
Prana is situated in the Head, it moves into the Chest, Throat. It carries Intelligence, feelings, senses and mind. It does expectoration, sneezing, belching, breathing and entrance of food.
Udana Vayu Functions
उरः स्थानमुदानस्य नासा नाभि गलाश्चरेत् । वाक्प्रवृत्ति प्रयत्नोर्जाबलवर्नस्मृतिक्रियः ॥
uraḥ sthānam udānasya nāsā nābhi galāścaret । vāk pravṛtti prayatna urjā bala varna smṛti kriyaḥ ॥
Chest is the location of Udana. It can move in the Nose, umbilicus and neck. It creates speech, effort, enthusiasm, energy, color complexion and memory.
Vyana Vayu Functions
व्यानो हृदि स्थितः कृत्स्न देहचारी महाजवः । गत्यपक्षेपण उत्क्षेप निमेषोन्मेषणादिकाः । प्रायः सर्वाः क्रियास्तस्मिन् प्रतिबद्धाः शरीरिणाम् ॥
vyāno hṛdi sthitaḥ kṛtsna dehacāri mahājavaḥ । gatyapakṣepaṇa utkṣepa nimeṣa unmeṣaṇa ādikāḥ ।
prāyaḥ sarvāḥ kriyāstasmin pratibaddhāḥ śarīriṇām ॥
Vyana’s location is the heart, it moves in the entire body at a very rapid rate, movement of the limbs, opening and closing of the eyes, appears and disappears in a moment; almost all the functions of the body are done by it (Vyana).
Samana Vayu Functions
समानोऽग्निसमीपस्थ कोष्ठे चरति सर्वतः । अन्नं गृह्णाति पचति विवेचयति मुञ्चति ॥
samāno'gni samīpastha koṣṭhe carati sarvataḥ । annaṃ gṛhyati pacati vivecayati muñcati ॥
Samana stays near Agni, and moves everywhere in the viscera. It accepts food, digests, identifies what to eliminate.
Apana Vayu Functions
अपानोऽपानगः श्रोणि वस्ति मेढ्रो रुगोचरः । शुक्रार्तवशकृन्मूत्रगर्भनिष्क्रमण क्रियः ॥
apāno'pānagaḥ śroṇi vasti meḍhro rugācaraḥ । śukra artava śakṛt mūtra garbha niṣkramaṇaḥ kriyaḥ ॥
Apana is located in Apana (large intestine), and hips, bladder, penis, legs, and a range of other perceptible senses (of Shukra & Artava). Its activities are elimination of semen, mensuration, feces, urine, and child-birth.
Symptoms of Vata Vriddhi
कार्ष्यकार्ष्ण्योष्ण कामत्व कम्पानाह शकृद्गृहान् । बलनिद्रेन्द्रिय भ्रंष प्रलाप भ्रम दिनताः ॥
kārṣya kārṣṇya uṣṇa kāmatva kampānāha śakṛt gṛhān । bala nidrā indriya bhraṃṣa pralāpa bhrama dinatāḥ ॥
Increased Vāta produces emaciation, black discoloration, desire for hot things, tremors, distension of the abdomen, constipation, reduced strength, sleep and sensory function, excessive irrelevant speech, giddiness & faint heartedness.
Etiological Reasons for Vata Vriddhi
तिक्तोष्ण कषायाल्प रुक्ष प्रमित भोजनैः । धारणोदिरण नीशा जागरात्युच्च भाषणैः ।
क्रियातियोग भी शोक चिन्ताव्यायम मैथुनैः । ग्रीश्माहो रात्रि भुक्तान्ते प्रकुप्यति समिरणः ॥
tikta uṣṇa kaṣāya alpa rukṣa pranita bhojanaiḥ । dhāraṇa udiraṇa nīśā jāgara atyucca bhāṣaṇaiḥ ।
kriyā atiyoga bhi śoka cintā vyāyāma maithunaiḥ । grīśmāho rātri bhuktānte prakupyati samiraṇaḥ ॥
Vāta gets aggravated from consuming food that's bitter, pungent, and astringent in taste, dry and in limited quantity. Also by suppressing or forcing natural urges, staying awake at night, and speaking a lot or in high-pitched or loud-voice. Excessive activity, excessive yogā or exercise, fear, grief, worries or thinking, and sex increase Vāta. The end of summer, the end of the day, the end of the night, and the end of digestion of meals all aggravate Vāta dosa.
Pitta Doṣa
Locations of Pitta Doṣa
नाभिरामाशयः स्वेदो लसीका रुधिरं रसः । दृक्स्पर्शनं च पित्तस्त नाभिरत्र विशेषतः ॥
nābhiḥ āmāśayaḥ svedo lasīkā rudhiraṃ rasaḥ । dṛk sparśanaṃ ca pittasta nābhiḥ atra viśeṣataḥ ॥
Naval, Stomach, sweat, sebaceous secretions, blood, plasma, eye, skin are the places of Pitta; here Nabhi is special.
Physiological Functions
अनुगृह्णत्यविकृताः पित्तं पक्त्युष्ण दर्षनैः । क्षुद् तृड् रुचि प्रभा मेधा धी शौर्य तनु मार्दवैः ॥
anugṛhṇati avikṛtāḥ pittaṃ paktyuṣṇa darṣanaiḥ । kṣud tṛḍ ruci prabhā medhā dhī śaurya tanu mārdavaiḥ ॥
Pitta in its normal state maintains digestion, body temperature, vision, production of hunger, thirst, appetite, complexion, intelligence, courage, valor, and softness of the body.
5 types of Pitta
पित्तं पञ्चात्मकंतत्र पक्वामाशयमध्यगम् । पञ्चभुतात्मकत्वेऽपि यत्तैजसगुणोदयात् ॥
त्यक्तद्रवत्वं पाकादिकर्मणाऽनलशब्दितम् । पचत्यत्रं विभजते सारकिट्टौ पृथक् तथा ॥
pittaṃ pañcātmakaṃtatra pakvāmāsayamadhyagam । pañcabhutātmakatve'pi yattaijasaguṇodayāt ॥
tyaktadravatvaṃ pākādikarmaṇā'nalaśabditam । pacatyatraṃ vibhajate sārakiṭṭau pṛthak tathā ॥
Pitta is of five types. There, in the middle of the large intestine and stomach, five elements of consciousness and that which gives the qualities of fire (or tejas). Pungent, flowing fluid that does digestion, is known as fire. It cooks, and separates the best part, excretes the rest.
Pacaka Pitta Functions
तत्रस्थमेव पित्तानां शेषाणामप्यनुग्रहम् । करोति बलदानेन पाचकं नाम तत्त्स्मृतम् ॥
tatrasthameva pittānāṃ śeṣāṇāmapyanugraham । karoti baladānena pācakaṃ nāma tattsmṛtam ॥
And there present, the blessing/benediction of the remaining Pitta, that works by giving energy (to the remaining Pitta), Pacaka is the name as it is accepted.
Ranjaka Pitta Functions
आमाशयाश्रयं पित्तं रन्जकं रसरञ्जनात् ।
āmāsayāśrayaṃ pittaṃ ranjakaṃ rasarañjanāt ॥
Stomach is the home of Ranjaka Pitta, it’s Rasa’s color.
Sadhaka Pitta Functions
बुद्धिमेधाभिमानाद्यैरभिप्रेतार्थसाधनात् । साधकं हृद्गतं पित्तं रुपालोचनतः स्मृतम् ॥
buddhimedhābhimānādyairabhipretārthasādhanāt । sādhakaṃ hṛdgataṃ pittaṃ rupālocanataḥ smṛtam ॥
Intelligence, mental capacity, ego etc and the agent that gives meaning to life (after death) etc is Sadhaka Pitta, it is in the heart and it is known to give us the perception of color and vision to see things (differently).
Alochaka & Bhrajaka Pitta Functions
दृक्स्थमालोचक त्वक्स्थं भ्राजकं भ्राजनात्त्वचः ।
dṛksthamālocaka tvaksthaṃ bhrājakaṃ bhrājanātvacaḥ ॥
Alocaka is present in Vision and Bhrajaka is present in the skin and gives color and luster to the skin.
Symptoms of Pitta Vriddhi
पित्तवृद्धौ पिताविभाषता सन्तापः शित कामत्व अल्पनिद्रता मुर्छा ।
बलहानि इन्द्रिय दौर्वल्यं पितविन्मुत्रनेत्रत्वम् ॥
pitta vṛdhau pitāvibhāṣatā santāpaḥ । śita kāmatva alpanidratā murchā ।
balahāni indriya daurbalyaṃ pitavinmutranetratvam॥
Increased pitta will show yellowing discoloration, anger, impatience, irritability, and general body heat, cravings for cold things, scanty sleep (insomnia), dizziness, fatigue, sensory weakness (hypersensitivity) and yellow colored feces, urine and eyes.
Etiological Reasons for Pitta Vriddhi
पित्तं कत्वम्ल तिक्ष्णोष्णं पटु क्रोध विदाहिभिः । शरण्मध्याह्ने रात्रेर्ध विदाह समयेषु च ।
शिर्षासनं तीब्रभाषं सुर्यातपस्य सेवनम् । भुक्तमध्ये ग्रीष्मकाले पित्तं प्रकुप्यति नरे ॥
pittaṃ kaṭvamla tikṣoṣṇam paṭu krodha vidāhibhiḥ । śaraṇmadhyāhne rātrerdha vidāha samayeṣu ca ।
śirṣāsanaṃ tībrabhāṣaṃ suryātapasya sevanam । bhuktamadhye grīṣmakāle pittam prakupyati nare ॥
Pitta is aggravated by consuming foods that are pungent, sour, sharp, hot, fermented, or that cause burning sensation or anger. It is increased during late spring, midday, midnight, and the middle part of digestion. Headstand, heated discussions, exposure to the sun's heat, mid-meal and summer time all aggravate pitta in the person.
Kapha Doṣa
Locations of Kapha Doṣa
ऊरः कन्ठशिरः क्लोम पर्वाण्यामाशयो रसः । मेदो घ्राणं च जिह्वा च कफस्य सुतरामुरः ॥
uraḥ kanṭha kloma parvāṇyāmāśayo rasaḥ । medro ghrāṇaṃ ca jihvā ca kaphasya sutarāmuraḥ ॥
Chest, throat, head, talu (Choroid plexus/Pancreas/Soft palate), joints, stomach, plasma, fat, nose and tongue (are places) of Kapha, though excessively in the chest.
Kapha Dosha - Physiological Functions
श्लेस्मा स्थिरत्वं स्निग्धत्वं सन्धिबन्ध क्षमादिभिः ॥
ślesmā sthiratvaṃ snigdhatvaṃ sandhibandha kṣamādibhiḥ ॥
Balanced Kapha gives stability, lubrication, firmness of joints, patience and forbearance.
Kapha Functions
श्लेष्मा तु पञ्चधा उरः स्थः स त्रिकस्य स्ववीर्यतः । हृदयस्यान्नवीर्याच्च तत्स्थ एवाम्बुकर्मणा ॥
ślesmā tu pañcadhā uraḥ sthaḥ sa trikasya svaviryataḥ । hṛdayasyānnavīryācca tatstha evāmbukarmaṇā ॥
Kapha is of five types. It's present in the chest, it’s the inner-strength of the triad of the heart, energy of the food, and by activities it is like water.
Avalambaka Kapha Functions
कफधाम्नां च शेषाणां यत्करोत्यवलम्बनम् । अतोऽवलम्बकः श्लेष्मा ||
kaphadhāmnāṃ ca śeṣāṇāṃ yatkarotyavalambanam । ato'valambakaḥ śleṣmā ॥
Kapha’s abode is the stomach; Avalambaka Kapha does the support of the remaining types of Kapha.
Kledaka, Bodhaka & Tarpaka Kapha Functions
यः त्व आमाशयसंस्थित क्लेदकः सः अन्न सङ्घात क्लेदनात् |
रसबोधनात् बोधको रसनास्थायी | शिरः संस्थोऽक्षतर्पणात् तर्पकः॥
yaḥ tva āmāśayasaṃsthita kledakaḥ saḥ anna saṅghāta kledanāt ।
rasabodhanāt bodhako rasanāsthāyī । śiraḥ saṃstho'kṣatarpaṇāt tarpakaḥ ॥
Kledaka kapha is present in the stomach, it breaks down food from moisture.
Bodhaka is situated in the taste organ (tongue) and identifies the taste of food.
Tarpaka is present in the head and nourishes the senses.
Symptoms of Kapha Vriddhi
श्लेष्माग्नि सदन प्रसेकालस्य गौरवम् । श्वैत्य शैत्य श्लथाङ्गत्वं श्वास कास अति निद्रता ॥
śleṣmāgni sadana prasekālasya gauravam । śvaitya śaitya ślathāngatvaṃ śvāsa kāsa ati nidratā ॥
The signs and symptoms of increased Kapha are: low agni, excess salivation, malaise, heaviness, pallor, coldness, flabby body, cough, breathlessness and excess sleep.
Etiological Reasons for Kapha Vriddhi
स्वद्वम्ल लवण स्निग्ध गुर्वभिष्यन्दि शीतलैः । आस्यास्वप्न सुखाजिर्णं दिवास्वप्नति बृह्मणैः ।
प्रच्छर्दनादि योगेन भुक्तमात्रे वसन्तयोः । पुर्वाह्णे पुर्व रात्रे च श्लेष्मा ॥
svadamla lavaṇa snigdha gurvabhiṣyandi śītalaiḥ । āsyāsvapna sukhājirṇaṃ divāsvapnati bṛhmaṇaiḥ ।
pracchardanādi yogena bhuktamātra vasantayoḥ । purvāhṇe purva rātre ca śleṣmā ।
Kapha is aggravated by sweet, sour, salty, oily, heavy, hydrophilic and cold foods, because of love for sleeping and eating, indigestion, sleeping during the day, anabolic therapies, by improper administration of pañcakarma, during spring time, in the morning and just before sunset.
AMA Symptoms
श्रोतोरोध बलभ्रंस गौरवानिल मुढताः । आलस्यापक्ति निष्ठिव मलसङ्गारुचिक्लमाः ॥
Śrotorodha balabhraṃsa gauravānila muḍhatāḥ । ālasya apakti niṣṭhiva malasaṅga aruciklamāḥ ॥
AMA causes blockage of channels, low energy, heaviness, imbalanced vata, malaise, indigestion, congestion, accumulation of waste, loss of taste and fatigue.
Definition of AMA
उष्मणोऽल्प बलत्वेन धातुमाद्यं अपाचितम् । दुष्टमामासयगतं प्रथमामं प्रचक्षते ॥
Uṣmaṇo alpa balatvena dhātumādyaṃ apācitam । duṣṭam āmāsayagataṃ prathamāmaṃ pracakṣate ॥
Three views on AMA
आमांअन्नरसं केचित् केचिदु मल संचयं । प्रथमां दोष दुष्टिं च केचिदामां प्रचक्षते ॥
āmāṃannarasaṃ kecit kecidu mala saṃcayaṃ । prathamāṃ doṣa duṣṭiṃ ca kecit āmāṃ pracakṣate ॥
AMA is undigested food / in-excreted or accumulated waste / imbalance in doshas.
AMA as AMA Dosha
अन्ये दोषेभ्य एवाति दुष्टेभ्योऽन्योन्य मूर्च्छनात् । कोद्रवेभ्यो विषस्येव वदन्त्यामस्य संभवम् ।
anye doṣebhya evāti duśṭebhyo anyonya mūrcchanāt । kodrabebhyo viṣasyeva vadanti āmasya saṃbhavat ॥
According to some, AMA is created similar to poison by mixing different grains that ferment. Excessive quantity and quality of a dosha disturbs other doshas one by one.
Physiological Functions of each Dhatu
प्रिणनं जिवनं लेपः स्नेहो धारणा पुरण । गर्भोत्पादश्च धातुणां श्रेष्ठ कर्मं क्रमात् स्मृतं ॥
priṇanaṃ jivanaṃ lepaḥ sneho dhāraṇā puraṇa । garbhot pādaśca dhātuṇāṃ śreṣṭha karmaṃ kramāt smṛtaṃ ॥
Nutrition, maintenance of life function (oxygenation), plastering (giving shape and form), lubrication (love and care), support and holding, filling the space and production of embryos are important functions of the dhatus in that order.
Sroto Dushti Symptoms
अतिप्रवृति सन्गोवा सिराणां ग्रन्थयोपि च । विमार्गगमनं चापि स्रोतसां दुष्टिलक्षणं ॥
atipravṛti sangovā sirāṇāṃ granthayopi ca । vimārga gamanaṃ cāpi srotasāṃ duṣṭilakṣaṇaṃ ॥
Excessive flow, stagnation, tumors in channels, going the wrong way are symptoms of sroto dusti.
Etiology of Sroto Dushti
आहारश्च विहारश्च यः स्याद्दोषगुणैः समः । धातुभिर्विगुणश्चापि स्रोतसां स प्रदुषकः ॥
āhāraśca vihāraśca yaḥ syāt doṣaguṇaiḥ samaḥ । dhāturbhiguṇaḥ cāpi srotasāṃ sa praduṣakaḥ ॥
Diet & lifestyle similar in quality to the aggravated dosha and contrary to the wellbeing of the dhatus vitiate the Srotas.
Definition of disease
विकारो धातु वैषम्यं साम्यं प्रकृतिः उच्यते । सुखसज्ञकम् आरोग्यं विकारो दुःखमेव च ॥
vikāro dhātu vaiṣamyaṃ sāmyaṃ prakṛti ucyate । sukhasajñakam ārogyaṃ vikāro duḥkhameva ca ॥
Disturbance in equilibrium of tissues, or disturbance to prakruti is disease, health promotes happiness while disease causes pain.
दोष दुष्य समुर्छना जनितो व्याधि ॥
doṣa duṣya samurchhanā janito vyādhi ॥
Disease is created by the amalgamation of dosa (Kapha, Pitta, Vata) and dusya (Dhatu, Mala, Indriyas, Mana etc).
Origin of disease
कुपितानां हि दोषाणां शरिरे परिधावतां । यत्र सङ्गः खवैगुण्यात् व्यधिः तत्र उपजायते ॥
kupitānāṃ hi doṣāṇāṃ śarire paridhāvatāṃ । yatra saṅgaḥ khavaiguṇyāt vyādhiḥ tatra upajāyate ॥
Aggravated doshas move around the bodies and when found a khavaigunya, they accumulate there to create disease.
Causes of Disease
कालबुद्धींन्द्रियार्थानां योगे मिथ्या न चाति च । द्वयाश्रयाणां व्याधिनां त्रिविधो हेतुसंग्रहः ॥
kālabuddhīṃndriyārthānāṃ yoge mithyā na cāti ca । dvayāśrayāṇāṃ vyādhināṃ trividho hetusaṃgrahaḥ ॥
Misuse, underuse and overuse of time, intellect and sense objects are the threefold cause of both mental and physical disorders.
Classification of disease
रोगस्तु दोष वैषम्यं दोषसाम्यम् अरोगता ॥ निजागन्तुविभागेन तत्र रोगा द्विधा स्मृताः ॥
rogāstu doṣa vaiṣamyaṃ doṣasāmyam ārogatā । nijāgantuvibhāgena tatra rogā dvidhā smṛtāḥ ॥
Disease is an imbalance of doshas, a balanced state is health. Disease can occur because of internal or external causes.
Samprapti stages of disease
संचयं च प्रकोपं च प्रसारं स्थानसंश्रयं । व्यक्तिं भेदं च यो वेत्ति दोषाणां च भवेद्भिषक् ॥
saṃcayaṃ ca prakopaṃ ca prasāraṃ sthānasaṃśrayaḥ । vyaktiṃ bhedaṃ ca yo vetti doṣāṇāṃ ca bhavedbhiṣek ॥
Accumulation, provocation, expansion/spreading, deposition, manifestation and differentiation are stages. One who knows this for doshas is a good physician.
Dosha Vruddhi
चयेव जयेद् दोषं कुपितं त्वविरोधयन् । सर्वकोपे बलियांस शेषदोषाविरोधतः ॥
cayeva jayed doṣaṃ kupitaṃ tvavirodhayan । sarvakope baliyāṃsa śeṣadoṣāvirodhataḥ ॥
The doshas should be vanquished in the sanchay stage, they should be managed without interfering with each other in the Kopa stage. And when all three are increased, the strongest one should be managed without aggravating the other two.
Six Tastes
रसाः स्वाद्वम्ल लवण तिक्तोष्णं कसायकाः । सड् द्रव्यं आश्रितांस्ते च यथापुर्वं वलावहाः ॥
rasāḥ svādvamla lavaṇa tikta uṣṇaṃ kasāyakāḥ । sad dravyaṃ āśritāṃste ca yathāpurvaṃ valāvahāḥ ॥
Madhura (Sweet), Amla (Sour), Lavana (Salty), Tikta (Bitter), Usna (Pungent/Spicy), Kasaya (Astringent) are the tastes.
The energy that we receive from the six tastes are in that same order.
Effect of Taste on Dosha
तत्राद्या मारुतं घ्नन्ति त्रयस्तिक्तादयः कफं । कषायतिक्त मधुराः पित्तमन्ये तु कुर्वते ॥
tatrādyā mārutaṃ ghnanti trayastiktādayaḥ kaphaṃ । kaṣāyatikta madhurāḥ pittamanye tu kurvate ॥
The first 3 tastes (Sweet, Sour, Salty) pacifies Vata dosa, and the last 3 tastes including the tikta rasa pacifies Kapha. Astringent, Bitter and sweet tastes are the ones to pacify Pitta.
Vipaka of each Taste
स्वदुः पटुश्च मधुरम् अम्लोम्लम् पच्यते रसः । तिक्तोषणकसायाणाम् विपाकः प्रायसः कटुः ॥
svaduḥ paṭuśca madhuram amlomlam pacyate rasaḥ । tiktoṣaṇa kasāyāṇām vipākaḥ prāyasaḥ kaṭuḥ ॥
The vipaka of Sweet and Salty taste is Sweet, vipaka of sour taste is Sour. Bitter, Pungent and Astringent have mostly pungent vipāka (effect of digestion).
What is Ojas?
ऒजस्तु तेजोमय धातुनां शुक्रान्तानां पर स्मृतम् । हृदयः स्थम् अपि व्यापि देह अस्थिति निबन्धनम् ॥
ojastu tejomaya dhātunāṃ śukrāntānāṃ para smṛtam । hṛdayaḥ stham api vyāpi deha asthiti nibandhanam ॥
Ojas is the lustrous essense of all dhatus, the end of sukra and is known to be excellent.
Even though Ojas is located in the heart, it moves through the entire body and regulates the body.
Para Ojas?
हृदि तिष्ठति यत् शुद्धं रक्तम् इषत् सपीतकम् ।ओजः शरीरे सङ्ख्यातं तत् नाशात् नृ विनश्यति ॥
hṛdi tisṭhati yat śuddhaṃ raktam iṣat sapītakam । ojaḥ śarīre saṅkhyātaṃ tat nāśāt nṛ vinaśyati ॥
That which is Pure, stays in the heart, is red and slightly yellow in color is Para Ojas.
It is described when ojas is destroyed, life ceases to exist.
Etiology of Ojo Ksaya
ऒजः क्षीयेत कोप क्षुद् ध्यान शोक श्रम आदिभिः ॥
ojaḥ kṣīyate kopa kṣud dhyāna śoka śrama ādibhiḥ ॥
Ojas is depleted by anger, irritation, prolonged hunger, constant worries (excessive thinking), grief and exhaustion.
Symptoms of Ojo Ksaya
बिभेति दुर्बल: अभीक्ष्णम् ध्यायति व्यथित इन्द्रियः । दु: छायः दुः मनाः रुक्षः क्षामः च एव ओजसः क्षये ॥
bibheti durbalaḥ abhīkṣṇam dhyāyati vyathita indriya । duḥ chāyaḥ duḥ manāḥ rukṣaḥ kṣāmaḥ ca eva ijasaḥ kṣaye ॥
When Ojas is depleted, the person is fearful, weak, constantly worried, his/her senses are troubled, loses skin complexion, mental abilities and is rough and emaciated.