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Lady Immersed in Yoga

About Me

Growing up, I was a story teller for kids younger than my age. I loved playing with my younger cousins; taking care of them and listening to them.


Somewhere during the adult years, I lost touch with kids and my childlike curiosity also got lost in the craziness of life or so I thought. Later, I realized that it is my curiosity and story telling nature that made me be a good product manager. 


As a product manager, I had to create stories; stories that'll influence some; inspire others to bring an idea come to life. When I started feeling like my curiosity is not met with the stories that answer them anymore, I turned to Ayurveda.


Ayurveda has got me curious about a whole new world of possibilities and now I am ready to share my stories again; this time not only with the kids but also with adults and seniors alike.

Want to learn more? Contact me for an initial conversation.

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